MoNA at the Fall APS DNP Meeting, October 2024
A total of nine MoNA Collaboration members participated in the Fall 2024 meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP), which took place October 7-10 2024 at the Hilton Boston Park Plaza in Boston, MA.
Contributed talks and posters covered a wide range of topics, including development of the next generation neutron detector (NGn), progress on machine-learning applied to multi-neutron filtering, neutron scattering observations at LANSCE, including new inelastic n-C scattering cross sections determined at LANSCE using a diamond detector as active target, development of a liquid hydrogen target and vertex tracker for invariant mass measurements at FRIB, and investigation of neutron-rich pre-fragment distributions in fragmentation reactions.
Thomas Baumann: K11.00005 : Development and Testing of Prototypes for the Next Generation Neutron Detector
Juan Lois Fuentes: E11.00003 : Machine Learning techniques for cross-talk rejection in two-neutron decays for MoNA
Anthony Kuchera: R10.00005 : Measurements of fast neutron scattering on carbon via a diamond detector at LANSCE
Nico Mendez: P10.00002: Analysis of 12C Neutron Elastic Scattering Data using CoGNAC at the LANSCE White Neutron Source
Aldric Revel: E12.00008 : Perspectives for a thick liquid hydrogen target and vertex tracker for neutron invariant-mass measurement at FRIB
Warren Rogers: J11.00002 : Observation of neutron scattering from MoNA detectors at LANSCE and comparison with simulation
Georgia Votta: D13.00002 : Investigating neutron-rich pre-fragment distributions in projectile fragmentation reactions
Andrew Wantz: R10.00006 : Cross-section Measurements of Neutron-induced Inelastic Reactions on 12C
Olivia Lucas CEU Poster: G00.00025: NGn Prototype Neutron Detector Development Using Cosmic Muons